Friday, November 22, 2013

Why Hello Every Jammer Out There! :) Today, I'll Show You Some Rares, Yes, Of Corse Their Rareness And What Exactly The Item(s) Worth!! :) First off, we can easily tell, Founders' Hat Or Open Sign and most stuff like that is one of the MOST  Rarest item in Animal Jam there is. But I'll give you quite some rare's :): Here is a Rare Beard
 The Middle Top Item
Rare Beards are from the leap year party, Though they are worth quite a bit. There is also Beta Beards:
These Beards are worth TONS (Like a founder.) Can you think of anyone with these amazing beards? Next is a Founders' Hat:
These amazing RARE gold top hats for members only were sold during beta for 40 gems. How about I share more? Yeah.
Next we have these amazing short amd long spike collars and short and long spike wirstbands! (These were member gifts back then):
(Long Spike Collars)
(Short Spike Collars)
(Short Spike Wirstbands)
(Long Spike Wristbands) So now you know about some Demanding Rare/Beta items. How about I share about Rhino Helmets                                          Okay so first off this is what they look like!: (This is only one color, though they come in many more):
Rhino Helmets were early beta. Next lets turn our attention to....... Mech Angel Helmets!!!: (Yes they do come in more colors):
How about Gazelle Horns? Yes those are quiet rare items indeed:
What do you Jammers think is the rarest kind of gazelle horns? There are also Viking Helmets!:
Yeah Jammers! I'm just getting started to these rares! Sadly, were dropping to the end! Don't worry :) Put YOUR favorite rare in animal jam in comments! You can also explain why its your favorite rare! :) Jam on!! -holly24636-

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